Ebola rumours at Pretoria East Hospital dismissed

The Netcare Pretoria East Hospital has dismissed speculation that it had been placed under quarantine after an Ebola outbreak at the hospital.

In a statement, Netcare said even though there is no Ebola outbreak in the country. It dismissed speculation that the hospital had been placed under quarantine and that no new patients were being admitted as a result of the alleged outbreak, Rekord North reported.

Netcare had taken steps to ensure its readiness in responding to and managing of any Ebola and other viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) cases, should the situation arise, the statement reads.

Dr Anchen Loubscher, medical director of Netcare, said staff members ware trained to deal with any potential health threat, including Ebola.

“We will continue to take every precaution to ensure the safety of our patients, staff and the doctors working within our facilities,” she said.

Loubscher  added that Netcare continues to co-operate closely with the department of health, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the SA National Defence Force in their efforts to prevent the spread of Ebola in SA.

In October, the Department of Health assured the nation that: “still no suspected, or confirmed, cases of Ebola in South Africa or any of its neighbouring countries.”

– Caxton News Service

Read original story on rekordnorth.co.za

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