KZN learner stabbed in alleged gang confrontation

Ten armed suspects invaded Asoka Secondary School, and a male learner had to be taken to hospital with stab wounds.

Despite many articles highlighting issues and violence in schools across Chatsworth, KZN, no preventative measures have been implemented with the latest incident taking place on Friday after a group of armed individuals infiltrated Asoka Secondary School and stabbed a learner in a case of alleged gang violence.

The incident led to an eruption on social media platforms calling for assistance from police, security companies, and other role players.

PT Alarms Chatsworth ambassador Kegan Naidoo says: “The PT K9 and PT Chatsworth tactical units received reports of 10 suspects armed with firearms and dangerous weapons who had invaded Asoka Secondary School. Upon arrival, it turned out to be a gang fight against pupils and adults, who were brought by the pupils. The suspects had fled prior to our arrival. A male pupil was found with stab wounds. The PT Alarms medical team treated the minor and transported him to a local hospital. The SAPS, the Moorton CPF and various other security companies also responded to the scene.”

Moorton CPF chairperson Sham Dhanpaul was one of the first responders to the scene.

“After talking to the pupils, it seems like 10 pupils from this school (Asoka) called another from Wingen Heights Secondary School, who was in class, but left and called his backup, who arrived in a taxi. By the time I arrived, they had started running towards the [Toyota] Quantum. I got into the school and caught the one child who was involved in the stabbing. We then rounded up all the kids who were involved. We must act fast because when you get a message saying that there are 10 armed guys in the school, you expect the worst,” explains Dhanpaul.

Despite being at the scene, there was no case opened at the Chatsworth Police Station.

The Department of Education has been approached for a comment on this matter and that of the excessive rates of violence in Chatsworth schools. The Rising Sun team awaits a response.

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