Man arrested after robbery and assault of La Lucia security guard

A suspect was found hiding in the bushes along Armstrong Avenue and was also found in possession of several suspected stolen items.

A suspect was arrested following an assault and theft from a security officer on Armstrong Avenue in La Lucia, on Sunday morning.

A member of the public who witnessed the incident alerted Marshall Security, who apprehended the suspect a short while later.

Company spokesperson Tyron Powell says officers responded to the incident just after 08:00.

“Armed response officers and members of our Special Operations Team were dispatched to the scene and confirmed that the security officer had been robbed of two cellphones and assaulted by the suspect who had fled the scene on foot.

“While searching a nearby bush on Armstrong Avenue, the suspect was spotted and, after a short foot chase, was detained. Four cellphones were found in his possession, two of which were positively identified as those stolen during the robbery earlier. Additionally, two bicycles, two helmets and a skateboard were discovered nearby in the bush. The suspect admitted to stealing these items,” Powell claims.

The suspect was then handed over to the Durban North SAPS.

Powell adds that the police are yet to determine where the bicycles, helmets and skateboard were stolen from.

“We urge the community to report any recent thefts to SAPS as soon as possible,” he says.

He praises the member of the public for informing officers of the robbery and assault.

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