Middelburg sees fourth 2022 school closure because of Covid-19

Laerskool President CR Swart announced that it would be closing its doors for a week.

In an official circular to parents Laerskool President CR Swart headmaster Mr Pieter Fouché announced that the school would close as of today, Wednesday February 2 at 13:30 and reopen Tuesday February 8.

This follows a “worrying” increase in reported Covid-19 cases at the school.

Also read: HTS Middelburg sluit weens Covid-19 uitbraak onder leerlinge

Eight teachers have tested positive and three classes are isolating. On Tuesday February 1, 30 learners suffering from various illnesses were sent home, while at least 10 learners felt unwell before the first break.

Fouché said that there was no reason to panic and that the measures were of a preventative nature as advised by the departments of Health and Education, and school governing body.

Also read: Nog ’n skool sluit weens virus

Last week Hoër Tegniese Skool Middelburg also temporarily closed its doors and reopened this week.

Shortly after HTS closing, the Gansiekeur nursery school announced that they would be closing half the school and that only baby classes, which aren’t in contact with older children, would remain open for the time being. Classes are set to resume as normal from Monday.

Hoërskool Middelburg is also currently closed and scheduled to open Monday.

*Elsewhere, in Groblersdal, Hoërskool Ben Viljoen is also currently closed due to Covid-19.


Read original story on mobserver.co.za

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