Watch: Honey badger monkey kill stuns St Lucia safari guide

A tour guide speculated that the badger must have learnt to climb a tree to catch the monkey.

The recent hunting behaviour of a honey badger, captured on camera by a St Lucia resident, has stunned local seasoned safari guides and given the world a peek into the lives of these somewhat elusive creatures.

Videoed by Wiseman Madlala and shared on social media by seasoned safari guide Jeff Asher-Wood of Fat Bike Fishing, the footage shows a honey badger, also known as a ratel in Afrikaans, dragging a vervet monkey back to its ‘lair’.

The lair in question appears to be a stormwater drain along a roadside in St Lucia.


“What’s amazing for me is that this honey badger has obviously learnt to climb trees in order to capture its prey,” said Asher-Wood.

“It’s something I’ve never seen before, it’s absolutely spectacular.”

Asher-Wood speculated that the honey badger had young in its den and was taking the monkey back to feed them.

Watch this unique footage that has got even the most seasoned tour guides talking.

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