Why hoard horns? Ezemvelo has ‘huge’ stockpile of rhino horns

Ezemvelo spokesperson said horns from a recent dehorning exercise were added to the stockpile kept from 1972.

Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife is undergoing a rhino dehorning programme to try and save the endangered species from poachers. However, it kept mum about the number of animals already dehorned, and how many they still have to do.

It has also been revealed that the entity has been keeping a stockpile of rhino horns since 1972.

Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA), an NPO representing the interests of wildlife ranchers, questioned the logic behind storing rhino horn,

While African countries like Kenya are reportedly incinerating their stockpiles of elephant tusks, Ezemvelo spokesperson Musa Mntambo said they have been safeguarding their stock.

Click here to read more about why Ezemvelo says it is storing rhino horns on The Witness.

Read original story on witness.co.za

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