Holiday courses for children at the zoo

The Pretoria zoo is hosting various courses for children of different ages during the holidays.

The Pretoria National zoo is offering eight different courses for children of all age groups to keep them busy during the holidays, educational officer Parks Leshaba said this week.

These courses offered a variety of learning experiences and hands-on activities.

Leshaba said there was no limit to the number of courses a child may sign up for.

Courses for the age group of grade R to 3 are: ‘Meet the Birds’, ‘Monkey Tricks’, ‘Meet the Mammals’ or ‘Amazing reptiles’.

All of these courses give children the opportunity to learn more about the specific type of animal the course is named after.

It gives children the chance to interact with nature and be more aware of how to distinguish between the different animals from a young age.

Meet the birds will be held on 15 December and on 8 January.

Meet the Mammals will be held on 15 and 19 December. Amazing Reptiles will be held on 15 December and 9 January.

More courses are hosted for children between grades 4 to 7.

These courses gives a more in depth view of animals to children.

The ‘Scavenger Hunt’ is a course designed so that children can investigate and collect information about different species of animals living in the zoo.

This course will be held on 7 January.

‘World of Reptiles’ gives children an in-depth view of the different behaviours, adaptions and myths about reptiles. This course will be held on 18 and 19 of December and on 5 January.

If children are interested in birds, the ‘Introduction to Birds’ course will give them the chance to do bird watching and investigate different bird species, their habitats and the role that birds play in society.

This course will be held on 6 January.

The last course offered by the zoo is the ‘Junior Nature Conservator’ course during which children get the chance to work alongside conservation staff from different zoo sections.

The enrolled learners will also have the opportunity to work with the animals in the zoo farmyard.

After completion of the course the learners may join the ZooClub, which aims to inspire its members to follow a career in science. All learners will receive a T-Shirt and a certificate.

This course will run from 5 to 19 December and from 5 to 9 January.

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