How to use hashtags

Here is a quick look at why you should use hashtags in your social media posts.

If you are new to Twitter, hashtags may seem a little daunting.

We all have to start somewhere, so take a look at these tips to help you navigate your way through hashtags on Twitter.

Be specific

Going too broad with a hashtag like #Cats, for example, may not get you the engagement you’re seeking. However, a hashtag like #CatsOfTwitter will exclude irrelevant tweets and target Twitter users who are tweeting about the topic you are interested in.

Only use relevant hashtags

Avoid including hashtags that are not relevant to the topic you are tweeting about. Your hashtags need to create a context. If you use too many irrelevant hashtags, your followers may become irritated and unfollow you.

Don’t overuse hashtags in a single tweet

Cramming too many hashtags into a tweet leaves limited room for your actual message and may come across as ‘spammy’.

Hashtag existing words instead of adding those hashtags

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If you’re tweeting about #cats and you have already mentioned “#Cats” in your tweet, it is redundant to include #Cats anywhere else your tweet. Simply add a pound sign or hash (#) to the existing word you would hashtag.

Use the ‘Trending’ function to find popular hashtags

On the left-hand side of your home feed on Twitter (or in the search tab of the app), you’ll see a list of trending topics in the form of hashtags and regular phrases.

The trending hashtags are listed according to your location and in order of popularity.

Advanced search

Sometimes you will be unable to find what you are looking for when only searching for hashtags. Twitter’s ‘Advanced search’ function allows you to search for keywords but also according to language, Twitter accounts (the person who tweeted what you are looking for), specific phrases, location etc.


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