Categories: South Africa
| On 5 years ago

PAPPPI plans ‘national day of protests’ over massive fuel price hike

By CNS Reporter

Last Thursday, the Automobile Association (AA) announced that the mid-month unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF) predicted the biggest fuel price hike in South Africa’s history by some margin.

The newly formed People Against Petrol, Paraffin & Price Increase (PAPPPI) group also took to its Facebook page this week, saying that huge fuel hikes were expected next month, reports Sandton Chronicle.

ALSO READ: Another massive fuel price increase in the offing in October

The post read, in part, “Next month our fuel prices are expected to increase by over R1 a litre, making it the single biggest increase in decades.”

The group further stated that it was planning a national day of protests on Friday, September 28, and have called on all South Africans to get involved.

“Please Join PAPPPI, website and keep updated on our fuel campaign. We now have close to 100 000 supporters in over 400 WhatsApp groups, which is growing daily,” read the organisation’s Facebook post.

“We are not giving up the fight to bring fuel prices down.”

According to a report, the group said that despite petrol prices only marginally increasing this month, it would still go ahead with its late-September protest, and would run it differently from their previous protests.

On its Facebook page, the group further stated that it was busy with research aimed at bringing South Africans “a groundbreaking and innovative proposal”. Among the aims of the proposal was to reduce fuel prices by R5 a litre.

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Read more on these topics: fuel price hike