Understanding KDM by-laws on fireworks before the festive season
Fireworks ae only permitted during Diwali, on Guy Fawkes (November 5) and New Year's Day (January 1, between 12pm and 2am).
The sale and discharge of the following are explicitly banned:
– Firecrackers larger than 50mm long and 12mm in diameter.
– Match crackers or match strike.
– Firecrackers commonly known as “Bombs” such as Indian King, King India, Classic Foils and so on.
Additional pertinent by-laws:
Fireworks cannot be sold to children under the age of 16, nor are they allowed to handle or use fireworks, except under adult supervision.
Fireworks are prohibited in certain areas, including inside buildings, on agricultural holdings, at schools, old-age homes and hospitals, and within 500 metres of an explosives factory, explosives storage or petrol station.
If you are going to set off fireworks in your garden, KDM by-laws state they must be at least 20 metres from the nearest telephone, powerline, tree or overhead obstruction.
While the by-laws allow fireworks to be set off for personal use, a fireworks display must have permission in writing from the KwaDukuza municipality or from the chief fire officer in the region.
It is advisable for the application to reach the municipality or the chief fire officer in advance to allow members of the public to launch any objections.
Ward 22 councillor, Privi Makhan, urges North Coast residents to use fireworks sensibly and in a way that does not infringe upon members of the community.
“Residents and visitors are urged to take note of the KDM by-laws pertaining to the use and discharge of fireworks. Please be mindful of the distress the use of fireworks causes to pets and the environment, and most importantly, remain tolerant and respectful to those around you,” she said.
To report a contravention of the fireworks by-laws, contact the KDM control room on 060 714 3764 or 032 946 2711.
Those planning their own fireworks shows are urged to keep in mind the dangers inherent in their use, and to remember safety tips:
– Pick a site that is appropriate for lighting the crackers.
– Safety is a priority and clothes must be fire resistant.
– Check the wind direction before setting any off.
– Pick up all the remains of the fireworks and keep them out of children’s reach.
– In addition, revellers should read the instructions provided with each firework.
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