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Two women found dead on North Coast beaches

Both believed to be in their thirties, the women were found at Umdloti and Casuarina Beach.

Two women believed to be in their thirties were found dead at Umdloti and Casuarina Beach today.

The first was discovered by fishermen at Umdloti just after 4am, floating in the surf with cuts on her head. The body was naked.

The fishermen were unable to retrieve the body at high tide and called Reaction Unit South Africa officers to help.

Nothing more is known about the woman at present and Tongaat Saps are investigating.

Another body was found washed up at Casuarina Beach, Tongaat, shortly after midday.

“Currently there have been no reports of a missing person and the female remains unidentified at this time,” said IPSS Medical Rescue spokesperson, Dylan Meyrick.

When news of the first drowning was posted on social media, commenters speculated that the body could be linked to the Mdloti River lagoon mouth opening yesterday.

The causes of death are not known in both cases.

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