
#Letter: Dodging doggy landmines at Salt Rock beach

"If we go down for a walk we really have to watch our step" - Melissa le Roux.

Melissa le Roux writes:

We live in Salt Rock and we love it here, but lately the residents with dogs are making it a nightmare.

Absolutely no one seems to care anymore to pick up their dogs’ poop on the beach, everyone just keeps walking like nothing happened. It has really become ridiculous.

These days there are more dogs than humans on the beaches. If we go down for a walk we actually have to watch our step now to not step in it.

Something has to happen as all the visitors are complaining that it is not nice to sit amongst all the dog poop, and that they would rather visit beaches where dogs are not allowed. This causes our tourists to move away from Ballito.

When they set up a shade tent they dig out dog poop, if my son builds a sand castle he builds it with dog poop in between the sand.

The dogs even urinate on the towels and umbrellas, without the owners even bothering to look back and control their dogs.

This has become a big problem for our beaches. What can be done?

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