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#WomansDay: One woman’s impact on children in Nkobongo township

Zamo Mngadi’s addresses the pressing issues of school dropouts, abuse and grant misuse.

Social worker Zamo Mngadi has been a cornerstone of support in the Nkobongo community since 2004.

She began her work at the Nkobongo Resource Centre, assisting orphans and vulnerable children, and recently increased her portfolio to include St Vincent de Paul Society, where she manages the care of the sick and bedridden.

Mngadi also teaches at a local night school, where she assists adults trying to make up for past educational gaps.

She highlighted the troubling trend of increased school dropouts since the Covid-19 pandemic, which she fears jeopardises the futures of the most vulnerable in the community.

“Out of ten children we work with at the centre, only one manages to reach tertiary education, and only two find employment within three years. The rest often end up doing odd jobs or working in the taxi industry,” said Mngadi.

She believes the lack of encouragement to pursue education stems from the absence of strong role models.

Another issue is the misuse of child support and foster care grants by guardians, often on alcohol and gambling.

“Sometimes the grant money isn’t enough, as it may be the family’s only income. This can lead to abuse not being reported, as families fear losing their sole source of income,” said Mngadi.

Mngadi’s journey to becoming a qualified social worker was supported by the Nkobongo Resource Centre, which helped fund her part-time studies at the University of South Africa.

She also holds a diploma in project management and a computer certificate.

A mother figure to many children, she emphasised the importance of being trustworthy, particularly when addressing serious issues like sexual abuse.

“When working with children, they must know that they can depend on you. It is very important to be honest with them and to be their friend.”

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