#Letters: Leaving animals in cars a big no-no
At no time should an animal be left unattended.

Ballito resident C McKee writes:
Someone had put out on the SOS WhatsApp group on Sunday that they had seen a dog in a car at Lifestyle shopping centre for at least an hour.
It is the most disgraceful and shameful thing an animal owner could do.
Something must be done about this at all shopping centres. At no time must an animal be without the owner. As a concerned animal lover and rescuer of many dogs, I find this most cruel.
Could Lifestyle please put up signs in all the parking areas, “No animals to be left unattended”. I can’t understand why people have to bring their dogs to a centre and leave them in the car.
I have noticed many times that a big 4×4 has not one but three or four dogs left in the vehicle in the underground parking area, barking madly and howling.
People should be named and shamed. People, even the guards, should take a photo of the number plate and the animal inside.
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