
A springfully sweet morning

Her new book is particularly personal, as many of the recipes have been passed down from generation to generation in her family.

Walking into the Forest Village Community Centre, Brettenwood Estate last Friday, you were welcomed by a spring-inspired cake spread fit for the queen, when gourmet chef Jackie Cameron launched her new book.

She introduced the ladies to a baking world of classics with a modern twist as she spoke about her love for food and the inspiration for her second book, Baking with Jackie Cameron.

This came after the owner of the Jackie Cameron School of Food & Wine and designer of JC Chef clothing’s first book, Jackie Cameron Cooks at Home was the second highest cookbook sold in the country in 2013, according to Exclusive Books.

Her new book is particularly personal, as many of the recipes have been passed down from generation to generation in her family.

Tried and tested, the ladies baked the morning’s delicacies based on Cameron’s recipes and were proud to have the chef herself try their creations.


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