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Add us on WhatsApp!

Be the first to know and join us on WhatsApp.

We have been sharing the news with you in our newspaper for 30 years.

You are informed of the latest, breaking news on our Facebook and Twitter.

We take you behind the scenes with our YouTube and Instagram.

And you are the first to know by receiving our BBM messages.

Times have changed, but we will always keep you informed.

That’s why we have now moved to WhatsApp thanks to the demand from you, our reader, and the rise in the use of this social network.

Here is how you can join the movement:

1. Add the North Coast Courier as a contact by saving our number – 061 718 4438 – to your phone.

2. Go to WhatsApp and send us a message with your full name.

3. We will add you to our broadcast list.

See how easy it is here!

Before you sign up, please read the following disclaimer.

Please note that if you do not have WhatsApp and wish to continue receiving news via BBM, add us on 2BE14E97.

WhatsApp Disclaimer

Your contact details will not be shared with any third party.

As the North Coast Courier makes use of a broadcast list, your details will not be visible to other members.

You won’t receive any messages from other members.

If you reply to messages, it will only be seen by the North Coast Courier.

Should you change your device or cell phone number, you may have to resubscribe to this service.

If you no longer want to receive messages, just delete the North Coast Courier as a contact.

While we encourage our readers to use the platform to communicate with us, we ask that no spam and unnecessary content is shared with the contact.

If you have any questions, send an email to biancav@northcoastcourier.co.za

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