
Janis Joplin on show at The Pumpkin Theatre

Barbie said the show, 'Just Joplin', will be a "delightfully crazy mix of her background, the people she mixed with, the characters who inspired her, her untimely death and, of course, her wild and woolly songs."

An exhilarating account of icon Janis Joplin’s life and music will go on show at the The Pumpkin Theatre at La Montagne next Friday, November 10.

Headlining the act will be singer and producer of the show, Barbie Meyer, accompanied by The Gentry band consisting of James Carlsen, Wayne Coughlan and Brent Geldenhuys.

Barbie said the show, ‘Just Joplin’, will be a “delightfully crazy mix of her background, the people she mixed with, the characters who inspired her, her untimely death and, of course, her wild and woolly songs.”

The show begins at 6pm.

Tickets cost R180pp and meals and a cash bar will be available. Book at www.pumpkintheatre.co.za or WhatsApp 066 338 8336.


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