Durban North College

Durban North College is an educational institution where high standards are maintained and opportunities are provided for every learner to develop to his/her full potential within a diverse community at a school based on a Christian Ethos with strong values and principals.


If you are looking for an extensive array of subjects and activities in both a dual and parallel medium school, this is the school you have been looking for.

  • Dual medium Gr 8-9 and parallel medium in certain subjects from Gr 10-Gr 12, the school also is dual medium at pre-primary level in a completely separate pre-school named Toktokkie, on the premises.  The primary school is currently dual medium from Gr1-4.


    DNC’s stated mission is to use its financial stability to investing in: Quality education, using dynamic teaching aids , offering a variety of sporting codes and the best facilities.

    The School Motto: AD LUCEM entails the school’s endeavor to realise the ambitions, symbolised by the image of the open bible and the flamboyant tree, indigenous to KZN. This epitomises the driving force of Durban North College.

    031 564 1347

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