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Millions unaware of high blood pressure status

Nearly one billion people have hypertension.

TODAY is World Hypertension Day (WHD). Every year, 17 May is dedicated to raising awareness around the illness that affects approximately four in 10 adults older than 25.

According to the Southern African Hypertension Society, this country is among the countries with the highest numbers of people living with high blood pressure and at increased risk of strokes and heart attacks. They said nearly one billion people have hypertension. Around  50 per cent of these people are unaware of their condition.

“Of those who are aware, half of them do not take any action to control their blood pressure, either through lifestyle modification or medication. This means 75 per cent of the world’s hypertensive population is at risk and these people are potential candidates for heart disease, stroke or kidney disease, or even sudden death,” the South African Hypertension Society said on its website.

The society recommends that everyone gets their blood pressure checked at least once a year, adding that once an elevated blood pressure is detected, one can immediately do something to prevent and control rising blood pressure and thus avoid potential risk.

  • What is a normal blood pressure reading?
    If your blood pressure is below 120/80, then you have a normal healthy blood pressure.
  • What is not a normal blood pressure reading?
    If your blood pressure is less than 140/90 but above 120/80, you are at a risk of becoming hypertensive. If your blood pressure is above 140/90, you need to see a heathcare provider to see if you have hypertension and need treatment to help to avoid heart disease and stroke.

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