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Domestic watch meetings address fires

JOBURG - Fire will be the main topic for the domestic watch meetings in Linden and Emmarentia this month.

Fire! If involved in a fire incident, the burn pains can be horrific and the loss to property and life terrifying.

This July, the domestic watch meetings will focus on combating issues related to fire negligence and accidents.

Emmarentia will host their meeting on Wednesday 30 July at 10am at the Emmarentia Sailing Club on Louw Geldenhuys Drive.

The Linden Precinct area will have their meeting onTuesday 22 July at 12 noon at Fontainebleau Community Church, Corner Rabie Street and 4th Avenue.

According to Penny Steyn, who is part of the Domestic Watch and South African Police Services customer service training:

* Almost 55 percent of all fire deaths are as a result of house fires occurring in developed urban areas.

* And 25 percent of fire deaths occur in developed township areas yet, only 18 percent of fire deaths occur in undeveloped urban areas such as squatter camps although the amount of loss is much higher, and 2 percent in rural areas.

*A specialist from Johannesburg Emergency Management Services (EMS) will be in attendance to add invaluable and necessary information at the upcoming meetings.

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