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We asked some residents about the quality of communication from Johannesburg Water?

During a time of heightened water supply problems, our readers generally feel unsatisfied with levels of communication about water supply.

During a time of heightened water supply problems, our readers generally feel unsatisfied with levels of communication about water supply. We asked some residents about the quality of communication from Johannesburg Water?

Here is what they had to say:

Nomfundo Precious Jili: They don’t communicate, they just keep quiet. Last week the whole week we didn’t have water, the councillors don’t live in our area, they are just councillors of which they don’t even know what is happening here.
Nomfundo Precious Jili: They don’t communicate, they just keep quiet. Last week the whole week we didn’t have water, the councillors don’t live in our area, they are just councillors of which they don’t even know what is happening here.

Nomfundo Precious Jili: They don’t communicate, they just keep quiet. Last week the whole week we didn’t have water, the councillors don’t live in our area, they are just councillors of which they don’t even know what is happening here.

Marion West: I feel like Johannesburg Water has improved on communication since we have been receiving notifications communicating the water problems we have.
Marion West: I feel like Johannesburg Water has improved on communication since we have been receiving notifications communicating the water problems we have.

Marion West: I feel like Johannesburg Water has improved on communication since we have been receiving notifications communicating the water problems we have.

Victor Ncube: I think they have shown that they are lacking on that level because water is life if you don’t have water there is nothing you can do. That has been a big challenge in my area for example we have been without water for days and we don’t have a backup.
Victor Ncube: I think they have shown that they are lacking on that level because water is life if you don’t have water there is nothing you can do. That has been a big challenge in my area for example we have been without water for days and we don’t have a backup.

Victor Ncube: I think they have shown that they are lacking on that level because water is life if you don’t have water there is nothing you can do. That has been a big challenge in my area for example we have been without water for days and we don’t have a backup.

Mika Naidoo: There was a time when we received news that they were building some way that if there was a water outage that it wouldnt affect everyone so that gave us hope to believe that in the future we wont have this problem.
Mika Naidoo: There was a time when we received news that they were building some way that if there was a water outage that it wouldnt affect everyone so that gave us hope to believe that in the future we wont have this problem.

Mika Naidoo: There was a time when we received news that they were building some way that if there was a water outage that it wouldnt affect everyone so that gave us hope to believe that in the future we wont have this problem.

Related article: Joburg Waters postion is unclear concerning water forum

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