What blows my mind is that someone actually went to the trouble of having them passed and I confess to wishing to have been a fly on the wall to witness some of the incidents that lead to the need for them. Another amusing thought is who is enforcing these laws and how?
I quickly exceeded my word count and realised I was going to have to narrow my selection down to just 15. So, after much deliberation rather than trying to cover the whole world I decided to limit my selection to American laws only:
1. In Texas, it is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. (So if you’re on the first or third then you’re good to go?)
2. In Chico, California, the law states that anybody who detonates a nuclear device within the city limits is liable to a $500 fine. (I’m dying to see who will be serving the fine and to whom they’ll be issuing it.)
3. In Ames, Iowa, it is illegal for men to have three sips of beer while they are in bed with their wives. (So be sure to stop after two or push past four)
4. In Texas, It is illegal to sell one’s own eye. (Dammit, how am I going to pay my credit card off now?)
5. In Florida, unmarried women who parachute on Sundays can be jailed. (Let me guess, they should be at home cooking the Sunday roast?)
6. In Alabama, people are not allowed to drive while blindfolded. (Luckily it seems there’s no law prohibiting you from doing so in the remaining 49 states.)
7. In Illinois, it is illegal to speak English. The official recognised language is American. (I’m not even going to go there.)
8. In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. (Who is arrested if it does?)
9. In Danville, Pennsylvania, all fire hydrants must be checked one hour before all fires. (Now that’s the kind of proactivity I’d like from Joburg City’s departments.)
10. In Baltimore, Maryland, taking a lion to the cinema is illegal. (Well that’s just complete discrimination!)
11. In St. Louis, Missouri, if a woman is in her night clothes, it is illegal for a fireman to rescue her. (I guess that means it is safer to sleep in the nude?)
12. In Chicago, it is illegal for anyone to eat in a place that is on fire. (Because of course that’s the first thing that comes to mind when you find yourself in a burning building.)
13. In Florida having sexual intercourse with a porcupine is illegal. (Oh the puns that come to mind are just too easy.)
14. In Oklahoma, it is against the law to have a sleeping donkey in your bathtub after 7pm. (So be a responsible adult and wake him
15. In Ohio, it is against state law to get a fish drunk. (Spoil sports!)