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The Ladysmith Gazette is doing Valentines Day differently this year.

No love messages, couple pics, or mushy gushy stories. We want the cold side of valentines day.

Does the thought of Valentines Day give you cold sweats and sleepless nights?

Saved up all your money to surprise your valentine with a tattoo of their name, only to be dumped the day before???

Email your EPIC Valentines Day fail to Akash (click on Akash to email) and stand a chance to win a one night stay (breakfast included) at Dongala Boutique Hotel.

Yes… You read correctly. Your Valentines Day nightmare can win you a prize.

So get thinking and send us your best Fails in the form of a photo, video or message and stand a chance to win.

Entries close Friday 23 February 2018 at 1 pm

Valentines Gamble

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It was 2016 , We had a romantic evening planned and we even spoke about it that morning and then half an hour before he was supposed to fetch me I find out instead of having a romantic evening with me he drove all the way to Newcastle to gamble the money that was meant for the evening out , with a friend he told me he didn’t even like.

Drunken Love

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My partner who I was with for 2 years decided she was going to invite me to her place for a valentines day dinner. I got to her place that evening to find her drunk out of her mind. She then proceeded to get physically abusive with me, complete turn off and definitely worst valentines day 2015 experience ever.

Pregnancy Brain

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This time, it was my fault. I have a 16-month-old daughter and I am currently pregnant with a bad case of pregnancy brain. My husband and I started dating 10 years ago on Valentine’s day so it was sort of a big deal for us to celebrate it in a very special way this year. I told him that I will plan it all out. All he had to do was take leave for the day.

Unfortunately, I forgot the day.  I planned nothing. I went to work early as I usually do, my husband called me at work to wish me and was disappointed at the turn of events. He basically stayed home for nothing on Valentine’s day. To add insult to injury, I had to stay in a bit later because there was a crisis at the office so when I got home, it was late. The baby was asleep, my husband was exhausted and we had sandwiches for dinner.

He wasn’t very impressed with me.

My Heartbeat

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Being married for 31 years I cannot say anything bad that happened to me on that day simply because we never celebrated one. I always waited every year that maybe this year will be different. Well no matter how old one gets a girl still waits for that something special on the day. Yes I certainly with confidence can say my husband loves me I do and I the very same love him more than anything in this world. He just says valentines day should be every day, and I just smile at it all. So to all those that really really spoil their loved ones on that day, i must say you very lucky. Keep it going.

Tying the knot

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A few years ago my boyfriend and I were walking around town on Valentines Day afternoon eating an ice cream. He was so romantic with me the entire day and I was just completely in love. We then went to spur to have dinner and during our dinner, he got up and knelt down… My heart almost skipped a beat… Only to realize he was just tying his shoelace… lol epic fail

Bad Mood Valentine

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Last year I thought I had found my significant other and everything was so amazing all the time. So I decided to skip out on work on valentines day and spend the day making ‘our’ apartment romantic for later, a little bit after 1 pm she came home and was so annoyed that I was there. I couldn’t understand why? Then her phone rang, it was security at the gate asking if they could let someone in… She started freaking out saying to me I need to go because her parents are here and they in a bad mood. I said ok ill go. As I was getting into my vehicle I waited for her parents to get here. And they didn’t. But there was a vehicle that parked and a guy got out and immediately went into the apartment. I then got out of my car and opened the door to see her and him making out. A lot happened after that but it was the worst experience of my life.

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