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Electricity woes continue at Zaailaagte

"In this first month of July, we are going to prioritise Zaailaagte, as well as Bloemveld Dam".

Lolo Madonsela

Residents of the Zaailaagte area in Vryheid are battling with electricity challenges.
A petition was recently delivered to AbaQulusi Local Municipality, with over 230 signatures of residents and business people who use the Elandsberg electrical line.
In the letter to the municipality, the residents indicated that the problem with the line has been around for the past 20 years. In 2018, engagements with the municipality commenced, but with no success.
“It is actually appalling that despite all efforts of meetings upon meetings, this problem just does not get resolved and the consumers on this line have to bear the brunt of continuous power outages.
“This has resulted in extensive financial losses, not only in revenue, but also due to damages to electrical equipment that had to be replaced,” stated the letter.
In 2018, Zaailaagte residents indicated that the poles that house the outdated transformer (which has been supplying the area with power since about 1975) were damaged in a ferocious blaze that tore through the farming region in 2017.

Also read: Zaailaagte is the lost tribe of Vryheid

This was reported to the municipality, but nothing happened.
In August 2018, a second pole broke, leaving the transformer hanging precariously from its post.
The municipality was informed and it was repaired, although (according to residents) the results of the repairs left many questioning the competency of whoever had been tasked with repairing the pole.
The residents say they also need the municipality to test the transformer, as they feel it is worn and needs to be replaced.
“Fortunately, this has been budgeted for; it is in our current financial year. In this first month of July, we are going to prioritise Zaailaagte, as well as Bloemveld Dam. Bloemveld Dam has 25 leaks and each time we repair those pipes, it is a loss to the municipality, as the water does not get to the people. When we fix these, we will be able to generate revenue and not work at a loss,” said Ntanzi.

André van der Walt, together with Adri Ferreira, handing over the petition to Thami Malunga.

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