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Preschoolers raise funds for Randburg SPCA

NORTH RIDING - Living Montesorri Preschool raise R11 650 for Randburg SPCA and Lighthouse Baby Shelter.

Living Montessori Pre-school in North Riding hosted their annual concert and handed over their fundraising efforts to the Lighthouse Baby Shelter and the Randburg SPCA.

During the Third Mandela Term they hosted a various fundraising activities.

These included Guess-the-jellybeans, fun walk, car washes, breakfasts over several weeks of fruit salad, yogurt, muffins, tea, coffee, flapjacks and waffles.

They raised a whopping R11 650 that was shared between the two chosen organizations.

According to the principal Sooban Reddy,”We bought dog and cat food, chewing hooves, blankets, stationery and cleaning consumables for the SPCA; and then clothes for each child, daily consumables, milk, food and groceries and play boxes for the Lighthouse Baby Shelter,”

The donated stuff was handed over at their annual concert.

Details: Living Montesorri Preschool Sabashni Reddy 082 494 2335; www.livingmontessori.co.za

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