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Randburg paddlers shine at the Dabs prep race

Paddler Gunter Gruner explained that he enjoyed the camaraderie between the competitors, being out in nature, the crowd cheering you on and the amazing vibe that always makes it so much fun for all the paddlers

Three Blairgowrie-based paddlers left their mark at the race that was organised by the Dabulamanzi Canoe Club for paddlers to put in some preparation/training after the festive season.

The preparation race at Emmarentia Dam provided training and enjoyment for all paddlers and all fitness levels with a variety of race options to choose from.

The red race included a run, carrying the boat; the pink race was a paddle with a 3km run without a boat, and then back on the water for another 7km. The yellow race was arranged for those who just wanted to paddle and not run at all.

Daniel van Eeden, a Grade 9 learner at Hoërskool Randburg, partnered with Matthew Ballenden to win the pink race in 01:39:00.

Young Daniel explained that it was his first-time doing dam busters (8km paddle into a 3km run followed by a 7 km paddle). “I enjoyed doing K2 with my partner Matt, and being on our own for most of the race was challenging.”

He used the race to get ready for the Gauteng Canoe Union Sprint Championships which takes place at Germiston Lake.

Gunther Grune partnered with Pippa Martin to win the mixed-doubles race.

Gunther Grune partnered with Pippa Martin to finish the race as first mixed doubles in a time of 01:54:00.

Grune said the paddling was good because he didn’t get much running practice during the festive season and he took a bit of strain on that front.

“After the run we had to push hard to get back to the front. Luckily my partner was strong, and we pushed hard to make up for lost time. It is great to put in the hard work and then reap the rewards. Practice makes perfect.”

Sonja Bohnsack and Kirsty Pott are the top ladies’ finishers in the Dabs preparation race.

He added that the running of 3km and then paddling the last 7km with tired legs and arms was challenging.

Local paddler Kirsty Pott partnered with Sonja Bohnsack and were the top lady finishers in a time of 01:54:59.
She said it was quite unexpected as she had not planned to be that competitive, but once they got going they managed to push through – even when they started getting tired.

“It was quite tough having had a bit of a break over the festive season but a great opportunity to get back into training.”

She is currently preparing for the upcoming Drak Challenge in Underberg and hopes to compete in the Dusi Canoe Marathon in February.

Related Article: Local paddlers enjoy canoe marathon

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