
Adult ballet bliss in Boskruin

Passion is turned into practice as Iain and Karen MacDonald create a space for artistic expression.

In a graceful mix of artistry and athleticism, Iain and Karen MacDonald’s adult ballet classes have become a captivating sight, bringing the joy of dance to the heart of the Boskruin community.

From the right, Iain and Karen MacDonald share a moment of satisfaction with the class attendees after a lesson.

Iain, a seasoned ballet instructor has been leading these classes alongside his wife, Karen. The MacDonald’s classes draw participants from diverse backgrounds and skill levels. The beginner class, hosted at a local studio in Boskruin, has become a haven for those seeking a blend of physical fitness, artistic expression, and an escape from everyday life.

The joy of dance is captured as ballet enthusiasts express themselves through movement.

Both Iain and Karen started ballet at an early age. “I enjoyed ballet because I was good at other sports, and it irritated me that I was not good at ballet. For Karen, it was pure passion. It was something she always wanted to do. We both went to the National School of the Arts and then auditioned for Pact Ballet and got in.”

Iain instructs the ballet class, where movement is a language on its own.

Getting into ballet was not easy for Karen whose father wanted her to follow a more traditional route. “My dad didn’t want me to do ballet and wanted me to get a ‘proper education’, but after auditioning for Pact Ballet and getting in, he kind of realised that I was just going to keep on trying and I would not stop.”

Participants focus on the different aspects of ballet.

Karen says that her story is something she tries to share with parents who try to stop their children from dancing. “If your children are bitten by the dance bug you cannot stop them from doing it because they will always resent it.”

The success of the MacDonald’s ballet classes extends beyond the studio walls. They also started the Joburg Ballet based at the Joburg Theatre in Newtown. Their classes cater to individuals of varying skill levels, making ballet accessible to anyone who may have never considered getting into ballet shoes before. “Karen has a professional side where she trains people to become professional dancers, then a class for children for fun and an adult class where they can exercise, get away from everyday life, and focus on themselves amongst other different reasons,” said Iain.

Participants spoke enthusiastically about their experiences, highlighting the encouraging atmosphere that Iain and Karen cultivate. “It’s not just about learning ballet; it forces me to be present in the moment without the distraction of devices,’’ shared Fallon Poetmonn.

The ballet class has an encouraging atmosphere, fostering a sense of community.

In addition to the physical benefits, participants emphasized the positive impact on mental well-being. “It helps with mental release and gives me a break,” remarked Corné Montgomery-Buys, sharing the stress-relieving and mood-enhancing aspects of the classes.

When asked about why people should consider ballet, Karen explained that dance is a ticket to anywhere in the world. “You can dance in another country, you can go into lighting, choreography, and stage management. It’s an enormous side and people think it’s just ballet but it’s not. If you work hard, you can go everywhere.”

Karen said that each participant shows dedication in the Boskruin ballet studio.

A class participant, Brooke Greenhill encouraged adults to consider doing ballet, “Do it! It’s lots of fun and a great way to keep fit.”

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