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Bella’s Blessings needs wheels

The founder of Bella’s Blessings, Lauren Matthewson-Woolard, explained that they do not have room for wheelchairs and car seats in their current vehicle.

Bella’s Blessings, a registered NPO dedicated to providing a loving home for special needs children, is reaching out to the community for urgent support. Founded by Lauren Matthewson-Woolard in Sundowner, the organisation has been a sanctuary for children with diverse needs, but the lack of a vehicle is hindering its ability to fulfil its mission.

“Challenges have become a part of our day-to-day running as we never quite know what a new day will bring,” said Matthewson-Woolard. Despite their unwavering commitment, the organisation faces obstacles, including mounting medical expenses, therapy costs, and daily necessities such as groceries, formula, and diapers.

Lauren Matthewson, Sydney Rose, Ava-Mae, Olivia Grace, Thomas William and Greg Woolard.

“Our most urgent need is a vehicle – quite simply, we can’t fit wheelchairs in our cars and when we need to go anywhere, we can’t fit enough car seats in,” she explained. The absence of a suitable vehicle severely limits the organisation’s ability to transport children to essential appointments, including medical visits and court dates.

In addition to this, it hinders their capacity to accommodate more children in need of care.

“We have sent out appeals previously, but had no response – we really are praying that there is a miracle in our future.”
Despite their persistent pleas, the organisation has yet to receive the critical support required to address their pressing needs.

Matthewson-Woolard emphasised the vital role of community support in sustaining Bella’s Blessings. “We need community support continually in every sense – whether it is a packet of wet wipes, a bag of groceries, or a R5 donation into the kitty to cover costs.”

In addition to the immediate need for a vehicle, Bella’s Blessings relies on ongoing assistance to meet the diverse needs of the children under its care. From specialised education to round-the-clock staffing, the organisation requires comprehensive support to ensure the well-being of its residents.

Those interested in offering assistance or learning more about Bella’s Blessing, can call or send a WhatsApp message to Lauren Matthewson-Woolard on 078 166 0348.

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