Let Wimpy help you choose the next Burger to bite into
Wimpy not only makes available delicious meals but they have an innovative way of assisting you to make the right choices. How is this done?
Fun fact: The average adult makes 35 000 decisions per day. About 226 of those decisions are about food alone. Chew on that for a second. Every day, you’re making more than 200 decisions about what’s going to end up on your plate. That’s a lot of decision-making to dish up.
You can’t really blame your friend for grabbing the same burger and chips meal every time you head to a Wimpy near you or order online. Between deciding what to wear, which route to take to work, and whether to like or love a friend’s Facebook status – leaves very little brain power to decide what to eat for lunch, which is a shame, considering how important the second meal of the day is.
Let’s paint a picture you’re probably all too familiar with. The clock just struck midday and it’s time to figure out what to have for lunch. If it’s the kind of morning that makes you feel like you’ve run a marathon, you need a meal that’s equally as filling as it is comforting. It’s as simple as heading to the lunch menu and grabbing a burger, right? Not quite. Most burger menus have more options than you know what to do with, and each one looks just as tasty as the other. So, you settle for your familiar favourite and figure you’ll treat yourself to something new later. Rinse and repeat.
We get it; decision fatigue is a real thing. By the time you pick up your phone to order a burger, your stomach has probably already started to digest itself. You don’t want to make another decision; you just want to enjoy something delicious. But where’s the fun in that?
Now to a scenario most of us haven’t imagined. You know how someone just can’t seem to figure out which bottle of wine to order at a restaurant? A quick glance at all their options is usually enough to make their head spin. Hence, they do what any sensible person would do: They ask the waiter to steer them in the right direction. A few simple questions later, and the waitron swirls just the right selection into their glass.
Bad news first: Wimpy can’t teleport a waitron to your desk to help you choose what burger to have. Good news: Their solution is a lot more fun, and you’re guaranteed to end up with something lekker on your plate. The next time you know you want to enjoy something tasty but aren’t up to the task of browsing a burger menu, try out Wimpy’s new burger quiz. Since 1967, Wimpy has been serving the tastiest burgers this side of the equator. That’s over 50 years of experience serving a countless number of South Africans. You couldn’t find a better restaurant to answer the question: ‘What can I have for lunch?’
You already have a ton of decisions to make way before lunchtime. Let Wimpy give you one less thing to worry about.