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Guild members help the needy in hospitals

Mother's Union spread its caring wings to give toiletries to two state hospitals.

Anglican Church Mother’s Union Guild members from Rand West City and Mogale City recently reached out to two local hospitals namely Leratong and Dr Yusuf Dadoo.

This was to hand over dignity packs to patients who were in need.

“We felt gratified to have been accompanied by the Johannesburg Diocese Mother’s Union president, Siphokazi Maqhina, on this mission,” said Tsiki Magome from Randfontein St John Divine Mother’s Union.

“We are united in this with efforts from our churches in Toekomsrus, Mohlakeng, Bekkersdal, Simunye, Westonaria, Krugersdorp, Kagiso and Munsieville,” said Morelebone Tima from St Mary’s Bekkersdal.

Morelebone Tima hands out a gift to Siphokazi Maqhina.

“We praise God for this. Leratong Hospital is a place of love. This has come in handy for patients who stay at the hospital for a long time and do not have relatives or family that visits regularly,” said Dr Nokwanda Mzondo, clinical manager at Leratong.

“We do this from our own pockets, with no sponsor. This just started as a story but turned into a project that we hope will be sustainable and meaningful. We therefore appreciate this partnership,” said Mother’s Union’s president Siphokazi Maqhina.

“Our fundamental priority as church-based is family driven to give hope.”

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