www.rekordeast.co.za goes live!
Rekord now offers you a one-stop site dedicated to the Pretoria community.

Do you constantly find yourself browsing for the latest community news, events and sport happening in your area? Well we are very proud to announce that your browsing prayers have been answered and Rekord now offers you a one-stop site dedicated to the Pretoria community.
While Rekord remains the biggest, most read community newspaper in the city, the media landscape is undoubtedly changing and so is the way people consume information.
With the help of an international media expert, we created state of the art hyper-local community news sites offering timely breaking and daily news to keep our readers informed. They are;
•Rekord East area: www.rekordeast.co.za
•Rekord North area: www.rekordnorth.co.za
•Rekord Moot area: www.rekordmoot.co.za
•Rekord Centurion area: www.rekordcenturion.co.za
With these new websites we want to showcase local people, places and cultures and encourage debate about issues that interest you, our readers.
These are as much your sites as it is ours. By visiting the sites on a daily basis, you will have the great advantage of engaging with other readers as a meeting place where you’d be able to share concerns, brag about achievements, talk about your daily lives and even catch an update on national news making headlines.
Although Rekord will still be running its www.looklocal.co.za site dedicated to its unique audience and purpose, the new title sites will be area specific with its content.
We invite you to take part in the conversation by commenting on the stories, providing tips and photos and making suggestions. Remember, space is endless on the digital front, therefore send us as many pictures/ stories regarding your local school news, events or anything else that you might think we should be aware of.
Rekord is looking forward to enter this new age with our readers. Remember to follow us on Facebook (Rekord) and Twitter (@RekordNewspaper) to stay up to date with all future happenings.