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Kindly residents rescue badly-injured goose

Goose caught in fishing bait rescued from life of pain.

One lucky Egyptian goose has been freed from a potential life of suffering, pain and starvation.

Dubbed Captain Hook, the goose was rescued by father and son duo James and James Kraft, two fisherman who were enjoying a relaxing morning’s fishing next to the serene Struben Dam. The two noticed the bird swimming awkwardly and realised something was wrong.

“We saw the family of geese swimming and that one kept its head down. We knew it was in trouble and that we needed to help,” said James snr.

The two went to Struben Dam’s caretaker Jerry Chabalala, who agreed that the bird needed help and said the Krafts could do what they could to help.

“If it wasn’t for Jerry’s willingness to help, this could have gone very differently,” said James snr.

The two used some of their fishing bait to lure the injured bird to the shore and managed to capture it with a fishing net.

Upon capturing it, Kraft and Chabalala noticed that a large, rusted fishing hook had stuck through the bird’s beak and into its neck.

With the help of resident Les Watters and bird rescuer Emsie Mohr, the forlorn fowl was taken to Dr Jaco Jacobs at the Val de Grace animal clinic to have the hook removed.

The goose was given a long-term antibiotic to prevent any infection, and was taken back to its family at the Dam.

“This just goes to show how dangerous fishing line and hook can be when littered. I often deal with animals entangled in rope and fishing line. People need to take more responsibility for wildlife and the environment,” said Mohr.


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