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Creepy UFO sighting at Midrand N1 going viral

A picture of a giant, strange – looking circular item in the sky was shared on Facebook on Monday evening. The post said “N1 from Midrand today. Do u see what I see?” Could it be another SA UFO sighting or just a reflection of something else?

Facebook user Dineo Motake posted an image of what looks like a spaceship on her Facebook profile late Monday evening. The Facebook post has been shared over 290 times, the Citizen reports.

The first interwebs reported UFO sighting in South Africa dates back to 1965.

Could the sighting in question be similar to this alleged UFO sighting from 2013:

Alleged UFO sighting in Hartbeespoort Picture: uforsa.co.za
Alleged UFO sighting in Hartbeespoort
Picture: uforsa.co.za

Someone called JC Bailey commented on the picture and offered an explanation:

JC Bailey Facebook screenshot
JC Bailey Facebook screenshot

The last mass UFO sighting reported was in 2011 from a number of people in different areas of South Africa. All sightings reported were eerily similar:

2011 –  A woman named Bernadette Opperman from Krugersdorp told the Beeld newspaper that she saw a flying orange light in the sky on the 21st of May. Another woman named Charlotte Grub from Tierpoort (South of Pretoria) said she saw seven orange lights in the sky.

Nicola Loaring, outreach astronomer for the South African Astronomical Observatory, told The Timesnewspaper in 2011 that the most likely explanation for all the sightings were meteor showers, which are made up of small rocks that burn up as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

“They are very common. They glow orange, sometimes green, can change colour, and usually end up white,” she said.

She added that people might be more aware of such occurrences, especially since the recent repetition of end-of-the-world predictions.

“When they see a light they think the end of the world is coming,” she was quoted as saying.

So just like those orange lights, this sighting could just be a mark on the lady’s windscreen. Or it could be aliens surveying us.

Do you have more information about the story? Please send us an email to editorial@rekord.co.za or phone us on 072 435 7717.

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