
Couple attacked in their Krauseville house

A couple was overpowered early in the evening and were tied up and held at gunpoint for hours in their Krausville house.

A couple was overpowered and, tied up and held at gunpoint for hours in their Krauseville house.

According to Hercules GPF Sector 4, the house robbery occurred at Krauseville from 19:00 until 01:21 on April 11.

“The residents were overpowered around 19:00 on Wednesday evening and were tied up until the last robber left around 01:20 on Thursday morning, lasting approximately 6 hours.”

The Hercules GPF Sector 4 said the man and woman were overpowered early in the evening and were tied up and held at gunpoint throughout the ordeal.

It furthermore said there were three known suspects, but there may have been four.

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“During the robbery, two vehicles and various tools, electrical equipment, and household items (kitchenware, microwave, meat, groceries, duvets, TV, cell phone, cash, compressor, etc.) were stolen.”

It is believed one of the armed suspects was unable to start one of the vehicles and released the woman, warning her not to do anything or they would shoot.

She was forced to start the vehicle and then was tied up again.

“The suspects left with the stolen goods using one of the stolen vehicles, making four trips.”

Police could not yet provide more information or confirm the incident.

Also read: Drugs worth R70k found in woman’s room

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