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Review and Polokwane Observer end the year with a fun day

The annual Review Golf Challenge team saw it fit to end the year off with a golf day focused on friends and fun.

POLOKWANE – The last official round of the annual Review Golf Challenge was already concluded in November, and last Wednesday saw a befitting fun round to conclude the challenge.

Excitement among players marked the last golf day of the year with 102 players on the field in a four-ball alliance scramble drive, all in some good spirit where friendships mattered more than the points.

As part of the fun there were three piñatas that players practised their swings on, with goodies inside.

Raoul van Zyl, Morné Myburgh, Neil Rathmann and Ruan Britz walked away as winners, with 87 points.

Close on their heels were Sizwe Mbili, Thabo Shinange, Ray Mushaike and Aaron Segwaoa with 85 points.

Francois Hartlief, Pat Molepo, Phil Mashakane and Joas Legodi ended third with 84 points.

Review and Polokwane Observer would like to thank every golfer who participated this year.

We will see you on the greens again next year!

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