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The increasing number of large trucks passing through the centre of town every day is cause for alarm among residents. This came to light after complaints were lodged at the Ermelo Business Association (EBA) recently. “Some truck drivers seem to have a total disregard for traffic laws and persist in driving their heavy trucks straight …

The increasing number of large trucks passing through the centre of town every day is cause for alarm among residents.

This came to light after complaints were lodged at the Ermelo Business Association (EBA) recently.

“Some truck drivers seem to have a total disregard for traffic laws and persist in driving their heavy trucks straight through town.

“Their numbers increase dramatically at night and the traffic department seems powerless to intervene because of apparent staff shortages.

“Of great concern is the absence of any policing by the local traffic authorities at most times of the day and evenings.”

This is according to a resident who approached the EBA regarding the matter last week. “There is chaos on the streets and nobody seems to care.

“The EBA has taken the matter up with the new Municipal Manager and it has been promised that the problems will receive attention,” said the resident.

According to the EBA, nothing has improved since that meeting.

“Even more alarming is the sheer aggressiveness displayed by some drivers when they are reprimanded by private citizens,” said the resident who wishes to remain anonymous.

It was claimed that 47 large trucks were spotted in the CBD area at about 7pm one night.

To test this allegation, a Highvelder journalist drove through town between 8.45pm and 9.15pm on Monday night this week and counted 31 heavy trucks on only two of the main routes through the CBD, Joubert and Kerk streets.

Trucks travelling on the designated heavy vehicle route on the outskirts of town were not taken into consideration.

“Besides the fact that these heavy vehicles are causing extensive damage to the roads that are paid for by Ermelo ratepayers, this situation has all the makings of a disastrous accident simply waiting to happen.

“Must we wait for roads and property to be damaged or people injured or killed before steps are taken to curb this lawlessness?” asked the resident.

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