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Clarke van der Walt vacates Trichardt CPF chairman’s seat

“I am resigning from the executive committee with the knowledge that a difference has been made”

TRICHARDT – Mr Clark van der Walt (58) resigned as chairman of Trichardt Community Policing Forum last week.

“It is time for me to focus more on other aspects in my life, such as my wife, Louise, my family and my job,” explained Mr Van der Walt.

The Van der Walts went through deep and troubled waters during the past 18 months and just want to shed off some of their stress and enjoy their time together.

The first blow came when Mr Van der Walt found himself unemployed.

He was among the hundreds of workers who were retrenched from a mine near Evander.

“Being retrenched at an age where you are too young to go on pension and too old to easily find another job, is extremely discouraging.”

His mother-in-law died a few months later.

“Then Louise was diagnosed with breast cancer.

“She endured a mastectomy and many sessions of chemotherapy, and eventually suffered months of pain due to complications after reconstructive surgery,” Mr Van der Walt said.

He has since found employment and Ms Van der Walt is again in good health and back at her work as a microbiologist.

“We now want drink in the quiet after the storm.

“I also want to enjoy more time on my favourite hobby of fishing and camping.”

Mr Van der Walt grew up in Trichardt and has an undeniable passion for the town and the safety of its people.

This is why he approached the Trichardt Police soon after he moved back to his hometown in 2015.

“I felt obligated to do something positive in my community and the CPF is a great platform if you want to make a difference.”

Mr Van der Walt was elected the chairman that same year, a position he occupied until last week.

During his tenure, Trichardt CPF tackled numerous successful projects.

“The renovation of the Trichardt Police Station was the highlight of my time as chairman.

“Although she will not admit it, I honestly believe that Ms Magdel van Vuuren set the wheels in motion for this project to begin.

“I am resigning from the executive committee with the knowledge that a difference has been made.

“It is now time for new blood to take this CPF even further and to continue the good service to the community.”

Mr Van der Walt especially thanked Mr Bernard Liebenberg, the deputy chairman, for his loyal support throughout the years.

“The teamwork between the police and the CPF, as well as that among the CPF executive, was noteworthy.

“Friendships were forged and I will always fondly remember this journey.”

He is clear on his commitment to the CPF and will want to remain a member as long as possible, but will no longer serve on the committee.

“He is, however, still willing to support the new chairman in an advisory capacity.

Mr Liebenberg, in his farewell note to Mr Van der Walt, thanked him for serving the community and being instrumental in changing a problematic town into a positive influence in the region.

Mr Van der Walt echoed Mr Liebenberg’s words: “We have accomplished a lot”.

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