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Round Table 231 to host golf day in aid of animal welfare

The Secunda Round Table 231 is raising funds through its golf day for the new animal shelter that has taken over from the HRSPCA in Evander.

Secunda Round Table 231 is hosting a golf day at Walker Park Golf Club on June 22.

The event is to raise some much-needed money for the new animal shelter that has taken the place of the Highveld Ridge SPCA in Evander.

The competition format is a four-ball scramble drive. Costs are R5 000 per hole, which includes four balls, two golf carts and branding.

There are loads of prizes up for grabs for hole betting, nearest to the pin, longest drive and more.

For more information, contact Jaco Swarts at 082 856 9336 or email vicechairman@rtsamp231.co.za

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