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Pelser to plead innocent

The case is postponed to 17 October.

The bail application of Marthinus Pelser, accused of murdering his six-month-old baby boy, resumed this morning (10 October).

Magistrate Baloyi ruled that the offence Pelser will be charged with, is the Schedule 6 offence of premeditated murder. In the defendant’s final heads of argument it became clear that Pelser will plead innocent. The defence advocate repeatedly said the mother’s affidavit is ‘dangerous’ and consists only of untested accusations, allegations and speculations.

He said what had happened between noon and 8pm on that day will need to be proved.

On numerous occasions Baloyi has said that what he couldn’t understand was why Pelser, as the father of the deceased baby, did not assist the mother but disappeared for five days.

The case is postponed to 17 October.

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New rumours of father’s whereabouts 

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