
Final exams: How to curb year-end fatigue and achieve top results

Now is the time to show what you’ve learnt all year and make it all count - here are five tips to help you get there.

Feeling overwhelmed, tired, unmotivated or stressed?  Whether you are in high school or at university – end of year exam time is always a tough, final push…and sometimes it seems impossible to manage it all. We’ve got some tips from The Independent Institute of Education, to get you through it.

  1. Take a break – yes, really
    While you might think now is the worst time to take a day or two off, it might be just what you need to reset, refuel and get motivated to tackle this last stretch. Use this time to catch up on sleep, get out in nature for some relaxation, and remind yourself why these final exams are important for your future. Get your mind in the right place, and resolve to start the final stretch with vigour. Also use this time to lay out your schedule and plans for the coming weeks, right until you’ve put down your pen on your last exam.
  2. Manage your time efficiently
    Have regular study sessions every week till the end of your exams, instead of frantically cramming all the info into your head during an all-nighter.  Revisit your study timetable and ensure that you have set up fixed hours for study every day. Plan for enough time to study each module and add your study sessions to your calendar like any other commitments…and stick to it to ease tension and anxiety.
  3. Stay healthy and keep moving
    We know that exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress levels, so make time to go outside and move in between study sessions. Give your body and mind the fuel it needs by choosing healthy meal options and drinking lots of water. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through your social media for ages before bedtime, get into the habit of putting your phone away and rather read a book to calm down your mind.
  4. Get help if you need it
    Feeling overwhelmed and stuck? If you don’t know where to start or feel you can’t manage the workload or stress, speak to your school counselor or campus support staff to get some advice on healthy coping mechanisms. Alternatively turn to an adult you trust for help.
  5. Focus on the end goal
    Commit to finishing strong. Think about where you want to go in life and why the upcoming exams are important to help you achieve your dreams. What dreams and aspirations will become accessible if you perform well during this stage of your academic journey? What avenues of study may open up for you? What possibilities and opportunities may arise?

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