
Salute to Marcelle Ravid

Please inform them (residents) that the government run by the ANC are the ones who are always promising jobs, to get votes.

I am disgusted with the residents of Orange Grove who want Marcelle Ravid removed as councillor.

Their reasons are not even reasonable.

They are expecting her to find jobs for them. This is not one of the duties of a councillor. Please inform them that the government run by the ANC are the ones who are always promising jobs, to get votes.

I do not live in the area, but Ravid has helped me so many times with problems in her area. I deal with problems wherever I drive to help keep our city clean, robots fixed, potholes filled in and get the water department to fix broken pipes which causes wastage of our precious water.

I drive around and take pictures of all the furniture, household rubbish, building rubbish that these residents are dumping on the verges. Cars are being fixed in the streets – another bylaw broken.

This is not how a city is run. Be proud of your home and your surrounding areas.

Ravid is always hands on with various issues in her whole area and not only in the ‘rich’ suburbs.

“They are expecting her to find jobs for them”

I have had many occasions to interact with her, even with homeless people, whom she has helped to get to hospitals and places of safety.

So those of you who do not want Ravid, think very carefully, as I consider her one of the finest councillors we have, and I deal with many of them.

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