Footvolley time
Sandton residents can now enjoy one of the fastest growing sports in the world, footvolley.

Footvolley is a unique combination of football and beach volleyball and is taking Sandton by storm.
Played by teams of two on a sand court and divided by a net, footvolley points are awarded when the ball goes to ground, or leaves the playing area.
Players can be male or female, and aged anywhere from 12 years up. The sport is popular worldwide, with federations established in Asia, Africa, North and South America, Europe and Australia. The current footvolley champions are Brazil, and the sport is in the process of becoming an official Olympic sport.
Footvolley was devised in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil by Octavio De Moraes in 1965. During that time in Brazil, there was a formal football ban. De Moraes made the football players play footvolley so that they could touch and practice with the ball, but without violating the rules. Ilan Herrmann started footvolley in South Africa in 2009.
Sandton residents can join the regular tournaments that take place at George Lea Park. The next tournament takes place on 29 September.
Details: or follow footvolley on Twitter: @FootvolleySA1.