Walk for epilepsy awareness
ROSEBANK - In light of International Purple Day for Epilepsy a group of organisations and residents took part in a walk for epilepsy awareness.

In support of Purple Day, various organisations united and walked for epilepsy awareness.
Residents of Reea Foundation and Epilepsy SA Springs walked together with members of Macson Karate Dojo, Bathabeleng Home and many local residents, led by Metro vehicles. Minstrels supported the walkers with drums and guitars as they made their way from Sandton City to Mercedes Benz along Rivonia Road. The highlight of the day were the bikers from Assault Ryderz popping wheelies and making doughnuts while the crowds cheered with delight.
“Our day was wild and spectacular, it was better than we planned, I’m so happy with all the support we got and grateful to all our sponsors,” said Maximilian van Heerden, a Purple Day ambassador and a Deutsche Internationale Schule pupil.
Purple Day for Epilepsy is held each year on March 26 and is a day dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy. People from around the world wear purple to reduce stigma and empower individuals living with epilepsy.
“I’m blown away by the love and support from our community,I’m very excited for the 2017 Purple day Street carnival,” said Tania van Heerden, campaign organiser.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, affecting one in 100 people in South Africa and 50 million people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, the condition is often misunderstood and people with epilepsy continue to face social stigma and discrimination.
“I found the morning a humbling experience and was thrilled with the amazing turnout for our first epilepsy awareness walk in South Africa. Since then we have been getting e-mails, twitter and Facebook messages from people affected with epilepsy, and we want to encourage people to join our support group. Our intention is to raise awareness, raise funds and educate schools,” explained Epilepsy Awareness South Africa founding member, Linda Diaz Menezes
Details: www.epilepsyawarenesssa.wix.com