Babies & ToddlersKidsPre-School
Make a cute glove monster for Halloween
Let your child’s imagination run wild with these fun and easy-to-make glove monsters perfect for kids under the age of six.

Get crafty with the kids today and help them make these adorable glove monsters.
You will need
- Gloves
- Batting
- Needle and thread
- Scissors
- Buttons and felt for the face
- Glue
- Decide how you would like your monster to look.
- Turn the glove inside out and stitch just below where you are going to remove the fingers and thumb.
- Cut off fingers and thumb. Don’t throw them away they can be stitched onto your monster for extra arms.
- Turn the glove right side out.
- Sew on the button eyes and glue on the mouth to create the face.
- Stuff with batting, making sure to get it into the end of each of the fingers.
- Stitch the opening shut.
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