‘Don’t allow your children to beg on street corners’
"I am very concerned about the welfare and safety of our children who stand on street corners begging for money to go on sport tournaments."

Dessie Steyn writes regarding children who raise funds on street corners:
I am very concerned about the welfare and safety of our children who stand on street corners begging for money to go on sport tournaments. I do not understand how parents could allow this for their children seeing that:
1. It is dangerous because of the high traffic volume in those areas.
2. You are teaching your child to beg instead of work, because begging is much easier than teaching your child to work or make and sell something in order to acquire the money for that tournament.
Your children become lazy and then expect everything to fall into their laps.
3. You teach your child that it is ok. to “dress up” in tutus, hit the streets and beg.
I understand the financial burden of having children that go on sport tournaments. I had two children playing at the same time for the first team and both going on the same tournament. Being a single mother with low income I would not even consider allowing my children to beg on street corners.
I decided to bake cakes and vetkoek and mince and sell them for extra income to be able to be in a position for my children to go on those tournaments and still have some pocket money.
I appeal to parents to consider alternative methods instead of begging. You might not see the negative effect it might have on your children immediately, but in the long run you might suffer the consequences thereof.