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Port Shepstone Lions Club celebrates 53 years

Port Shepstone Lions and Lion Ladies were thanked for their ongoing commitment to serving the needy and for the spirit of friendship that exists within the club.

Port Shepstone Lions Club was the first Lions Club to be chartered on the KZN South Coast back in March 1970, and 53 years later the club remains strong, and very active in the community.

A glittering event was recently held at the Lions’ Den, Port Shepstone Country Club where Port Shepstone Lions, Lion Ladies and their guests fittingly celebrated the club’s 53rd Charter Anniversary.

Guests of Honour were District 410E Governor Sydney and his wife, District Chairman Sandy van Heerden who are members of the Wilro Park Lions Club in Johannesburg. Pete and Mary Surtees who are currently on holiday from South Hampton in the UK also attended the celebration as guests of Lion Steve and Lion Lady Jacqueline McCarroll.

During his reply to the toast to the Lions Club of Port Shepstone, Club President Mervin Curnow thanked members and Lion Ladies for their ongoing efforts in keeping the club active and successful.

He also presented Liam Gallagher with a Bravery Award plaque and exchanged friendship banners with District Governor Sydney van Heerden.
During his reply on behalf of Lions Clubs International, District Governor Sydney praised the Port Shepstone Lions and Lion Ladies for their ongoing commitment to serving the needy and for the spirit of friendship that exists within the club.

He presented a 40 years of service membership award to the club, 15 years of service was awarded to Lion Kenny Rolfe and 10 years of service to Lion Ralph Gallagher whose son, Liam collected on his behalf.

Hearty congratulations was given to Club President Mervin Curnow on receiving an international President’s award commemorating 40 years of service as a Lion Member. Lion Mervin was inducted into the Margate Lions Club in 1983 and went on to be a Charter Member of the newly formed Ramsgate Lions Club in 1986. He then transferred to Port Shepstone Lions a couple of years later owing to his relocating to the area. Lion Mervin is also a Melvin Jones Fellow, the highest recognition awarded by Lions Clubs International. He currently serves as Club President during his 40th year of service – testimony of his ongoing dedication towards Lionism and community service. Port Shepstone Lions are very proud of Mervin and they look forward to many more years of fellowship and fun with this outstanding individual.

Club President Mervin Curnow presents Liam Gallagher with a Bravery Award plaque. This special award was presented in recognition of him risking his life to save another’s. Liam is the son of club member Lion Ralph and Lion Lady Bela Gallagher.


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