Spar Superstars 2024

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Vote for your favourite SPAR School Superstar

Help them win a R300 SPAR Shopping Voucher and put them in the running to win R5000 in the KZN SPAR School Superstar competition

Junior & Senior Primary

Adam van der Merwe

Suid-Natal Primêr

Adam is ‘n veelbewoë en gemotiveerde jongman

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Adam van der Merwe is ‘n vriendelike, pligsgetroue, respekvolle en ondeunde seun wat daarvan hou om grappies te maak. Hy neem sy posisie as onderhoofseun baie ernstig op en gee altyd sy beste.
Adam is ‘n ywerige sportman wat aan ‘n verskeidenheid sportsoorte deelgeneem en daarin presteer het. Karate: KZN-klere. Branderplankry: Ugu-klere. Rugby: SKZN-span en kaptein van die eerstespan.
Adam verteenwoordig sy skool se swemspan en speel ook krieket vir die eerstespan.
Hy sien daarna uit om deel van Suid-Natal Primêr se sokkerspan te wees.
Adam presteer ook akademies baie goed en verdien elke jaar sy akademiese balkie.
Wanneer Adam nie met sy sport besig is nie, kan jy hom langs die viswaters, in die jagveld, of in die see opsoek na kreef, kry.
Adam se leuse is: Hoe harder jy werk, hoe beter word jy.

Ben Kloppers

Creston College

Brave Ben adapts after an injury

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Ben Kloppers, a Grade 1 learner at Creston College, exemplifies remarkable resilience.
Despite facing adversity due to a broken arm, Ben’s determination has shone through as he not only continued with his schoolwork but also pursued his passion for soccer.
Ben’s unwavering spirit led him to achieve a spot in the Grade 1 A soccer team. He has also adapted to the injury by writing with his left hand instead of his dominant right.
His ability to overcome challenges with such positivity and determination serves as an inspiration to his peers and teachers alike.
Ben embodies the values of perseverance and courage, making him a true superstar.

Nhlanhla Mgoduka

Hlanganani Preparatory School

Nhlanhla has impeccable manners

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Nhlanhla Mgoduka (9) is a Grade 4 learner at Hlanganani Preparatory School.
The most striking characteristic about him is his impeccable manners.
Nhlanhla is respectful and is well-respected by both his teachers and his peers.
He is incredibly disciplined academically and is also highly motivated.
He looks forward to challenging tasks, which he tackles with enthusiasm, and when he is finished, he offers help to other learners.
He enjoys playing soccer and is a valued member of the team. He encourages his teammates on and off the field.

Cecilia Rautenbach

Creston College

Cecilia is an equestrian of note

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Grade 5 Creston College learner Cecilia Rautenbach has been honoured with the Equestrian of the Year award for 2023 at the Haven Manor Equestrian Centre.
Under the tutelage of instructor Pauline Faddy (third generation), Cecilia’s dedication and skill have shone brightly, earning her recognition in various areas, including competence in walk, trot, canter, stable management, grooming and riding skills jumping.
Cecilia took part in the Conspirito Eisteddfodd in May this year and obtained an A+ for her Lost Boy Dance Solo.
She also strives for high academic standards and has been listed in the top 10 of her grade at recent award ceremonies. Additionally, she is a Junior Marimba Leader this year.

Karli de Beer

Suid-Natal Primêr

Hoofdogter Karli is ’n inspirerende jong leier

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Vasbeslote, gedissiplineerd, selfstandig en doelgerig – dit is Karli de Beer, die hoofdogter van 2024. Haar akademiese prestasies, met ‘n gemiddeld van 90% en hoër, wys haar toewyding en harde werk. Maar Karli de Beer blink ook uit buite die klaskamer.
Sy is ‘n lid van die eerste hokkiespan en swemspan, en deel van die skoolkoor. Haar deelname aan ‘n wye verskeidenheid aktiwiteite weerspieël haar energie en passie. Buiten skoolure neem Karli de Beer moderne en hip hop dansklasse, en het sy groot sukses behaal. Sy het deurgedring na die volgende rondte van Talent Africa 2024 en het verskeie kere nasionale kleure verwerf met haar dans.
Karli wil medies studeer, ‘n keuse wat sin maak gegewe haar natuurlike versorgende aard. Van kleins af is sy die moedertjie, verpleegster, dokter en berader vir haar vriende en familie. Karli is altyd daar om te troos, skoon te maak en pleisters te plak – altyd voorbereid vir enige situasie.
Karli is ‘n leier en inspirasie vir almal rondom haar. Met haar vasberadenheid en talente, lê daar ‘n blink toekoms voor haar.

Summer Dyer

Southcity Christian Schools

Dedicated Summer excels in sports and academics

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A welcome summer breeze has nothing on Southcity Christian Schools’ superstar, Summer Dyer. She is a breath of fresh air when it comes to her enthusiasm and commitment to her school, her studies and her sports.
She is a Grade 7 learner who excels both on and off the school campus.
Summer is a dedicated athlete and academic and has achieved in both areas with ease, achieving her Ugu colours in hockey and recently came first in a doubles tournament in tennis.
She has done phenomenally well academically this term, and her kind and helpful nature is noticed by parents, teachers and visitors alike.

High School

Alex-Zandré Labuschagne

 Southcity Christian School

Alex-Zandré excels

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Alex-Zandré Labuschagne a Grade 10 learner at Southcity Christian Schools, has produced remarkable achievements in the pool. And it seems there is no stopping this dedicated swimmer. She has earned honours for the sport at school and has also been chosen for the KZN swimming team.

Alex also qualified for and competed in the SA Junior Nationals and SA Senior Nationals Swimming Championships. She represents KZN at national biathlon competition, where she placed fourth. Recently, Alex has been selected to train with the KZN high-performance swimming squad, which aims to train for Team SA.

She only excels in the pool but is also a talented track athlete. At the school’s inter-house athletics, she was awarded the girls’ senior track events prize, and at interschools, she was the U16 girls’ age group winner.

Kiara Naicker

Port Shepstone High

Kiara shines on the golf course

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Port Shepstone High continues to celebrate the outstanding achievements of its learners.

This term, the spotlight falls on Kiara Naicker, a Grade 8 who has excelled in her respective fields. Kiara has displayed exceptional talent and dedication in golf. Her consistent performance has earned her well-deserved certificates and medals.
She is a proud member of the SA Kids Golf programme, an organisation recognised by leading golf bodies such as the SAJGF, SAGA, and Golf RSA and supported by the PGA of South Africa.
Kiara competes in monthly tournaments across the country and has been invited to take part in the prestigious Junior African Challenge and Dunbar Cup at San Lameer Country Club in August 2024.
This event will showcase young golfing talent from 52 countries. Sheppie High extends their best wishes to Kiara as she embarks on this exciting chapter of her golfing career.

Shaista Aaliyah Shaik

Port Shepstone Secondary School

Shaista is enthusiastic and goal driven

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Shaista Aaliyah Shaik, a Grade 11 learner at Port Shepstone Secondary School, took part in the Ugu Bioterminologous contest in 2023, where she and four team members secured first position.
She has placed first in internal English and Afrikaans speech contests. Shaista has twice taken part in the regional science expo and received gold status.
She is a hard-working individual and an avid reader, plus a confident speaker who constantly advocates for the promotion of advantageous literacy. Shaista is a member of the Dead Poets’ Society Book Club, the Interact Rotary Club as well as the Teenagers Against Drugs Association at her school.
Shaista is a natural at public speaking and recently delivered a memorable speech during an assembly about the Sharpeville Massacre. She has been described as a role model by her fellow learners and is the RCL of her class, 11 A.
She aspires to pursue her tertiary education in medicine.

Kérese Naicker

Port Shepstone Secondary

Kérese shines as an all-rounder

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Kérese Naicker, a Grade 12 learner at Port Shepstone Secondary, is a studious learner whose commitment to excellence knows no bounds.
She stands out not only for her exceptional intellect but also for her diverse interests.
She finds solace in the realms of art and problem-solving, as well as reading and writing, where she allows for her creativity to be shown.
Kérese also has an enduring love for makeup and the chemistry behind it and has her own makeup business, which she runs.
Her favourite subjects are mathematics, chemistry and geography, which serve as a gateway to understanding the intricate workings of the world.
With a track record of consistent excellence and a perennial presence as a top learner in her grade since primary school, her dedication shines as a guiding light for her peers.
She also enjoys taking part in various Science Olympiads and the Interact Club.
Despite all this, she is in chemical and pharmaceutical engineering, coupled with an unwavering love for medicine.

Viwe Mbutho

Port Shepstone High

Touch rugby dreams for Viwe

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Viwe Mbutho (14) is in Grade 8 at Port Shepstone High, where she has excelled on the sports field, in particular rugby.
She plays touch rugby at school, and every Friday the team goes to Durban to compete with and against other schools.
During her spare time, she likes going out with her friends to watch movies or head to the beach to unwind.
She also she enjoys watching TV, especially reality shows.
Viwe hasn’t made up her mind about what she wants to be when she grows up.
However, her advice to everyone is to never stop dreaming and believing in themselves because anything is possible if you believe and work hard.

Thank you for voting for your Spar Superstar and for giving them a chance to win a SPAR Voucher


One junior/senior primary and one high school winner will be chosen based on the number of votes. Maximum of one vote per person. Look out for the SPAR Superstar winners in the South Coast Herald August 23rd edition.

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