Toll fees increase on March 1
The tariffs are adjusted annually in line with the Consumer Price Index.

Be prepared to swipe a few rands more as tariffs at toll gates across the country increase by 6.25% from March 1.
The tariffs are adjusted annually in line with the Consumer Price Index and the latest increase is less than last year’s 6.58% adjustment.
The SA National Roads Agency says the 6.25% increase in toll tariffs published recently in the Government Gazette is much lower than 2023’s adjustment due to SA’s weak economic climate.
For the South Coast:
* Izotsha ramp: R12 (class 1), R21 (class 2), R29 (class 3), R50 (class 4).
* Oribi mainline: R37.50 (class 1), R67 (class 2), R92 (class 3), R150 (class 4). – Ramp (S): R17.50 (class 1), R32 (class 2), R43 (class 3), R68 (class 4).
– Ramp (N) R20.50 (class 1), R35 (class 2), R50 (class 3), R92 (class 4).
Umtentweni ramp: R16 (class 1), R28 (class 2), R39 (class 3), R64 (class 4).
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