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Joy for Gemma after hospice mega-swim

SCH Local News | Gemma thanked her friends and family, as well as businesses local and abroad, for the belief in her and for the wonderful support for hospice.

On a cool, overcast Monday afternoon last week, Gemma Allchin (16) dived cleanly into the pool at Creston College.

Watched by her mother Debra and BT King (South Coast Hospice) she comfortably finished the last 4km leg of her mega-swim and fundraising project for hospice.

In November last year, Gemma set out to raise R50 000 by swimming 100km, in segments and not all in one go!
Along the way she touched many hearts and, in doing so, surpassed her target by raising R64 197.

Her total was achieved through a combination of Back a Buddy and private donations.

A big part of the swim was to honour the memory of her late grandfather Rob Allchin, who battled cancer and died some two years ago.

It was also to raise funds for Hospice.

Gemma Allchin’s 100km swim to raise funds for hospice and honour her grandfather’s memory has been successfully completed. BT King shares Gemma’s joy.

It’s taken some time, needing to be fitted in between regular swimming, schoolwork and all the rest that goes with being a teenager in Grade 11.

Some of this was done while the family was in Mauritius in hot weather and very warm water.

“Some women were so encouraged by her act of kindness that they were motivated to swim. Conditions in Mauritius were extreme, with temperatures of 40, so swimming took a bit longer,” said Debra.
Gemma thanked her friends and family, as well as businesses local and abroad, for their belief in her and for the wonderful support for Hospice.

She also thanked her school, Creston College, and executive head, Noel Coetzee, for the support and encouragement.

“I also like to encourage each person to become a ‘Superhero for Hospice’, in whatever way possible, as even the smallest kind deed can make a big impact.”

Meanwhile, BT was delighted with Gemma’s efforts.

“Behind every hero or heroine is a family. Thank you to Gemma and the Allchin family, as well as to all those who supported her in reaching her target,” she said.

“Gemma is a wonderful example of youth in action and we encourage all young people to get involved in our Hospice Hero Campaign.”

Debra thanked Speedo South Africa for sponsoring Gemma’s swimming suits and Creston College for the use of the pool.

Next up is the SA Schools Champs in a few weeks’ time.

She has broken eight records in total at local galas in 2024.

The sport has always been a passion of hers, and she has worked extremely hard.

Her late grandfather found much delight in her swimming and loved attending her galas.

“We know he would be looking down on her with immense pride,” said Debra.

BT King of South Coast Hospice thanks Gemma Allchin for her wonderful efforts.


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