Driver arrested after attempting to flee Sea Park accident scene
He was detained by Lazer 911 and handed over to police.
A motorist who attempted to flee an accident scene in Sea Park yesterday (Wednesday), was caught by a Lazer 911 officer.
Meanwhile, Lazer 911’s officer Dawid Enslin witnessed the accident near the Sea Park intersection while doing routine patrols.
Robbie Pypers, senior area manager for Lazer 911 said Enslin called for back up, and immediately gave chase after the driver, who attempted to flee the accident scene.
“Reaction officers assisted Enslin in detaining the driver who was allegedly under the influence of alcohol,” he said.
Saps attended and the driver was handed over to them.
“A big thanks to Road Traffic Inspectorate, Med-Evac, Trauma 911 and EMRS. Also thanks to residents, Stefan and Natasha from Border Road for bringing blankets and items for the injured people,” said Pypers.
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